Donna Kshir has been hard at work on an 11th novel, creating and publishing a series of children's books under her own publication company with co-writer Sandra Dawn Potter, mentoring high school students and opening a branch of the nonprofit organization, Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, in the community.
Dreamcatchers is a Michigan-based, 3 nonprofit organization run by two moms (Kshir and Potter) on a mission to spread the word about child abuse awareness in our society. The organization is dedicated to educating the public on all aspects of abuse, and is the largest and most used Child Abuse Resource Center in Michigan.
Dreamcatchers was founded in 2007 by Potter after her step-father, who was charged and served 15 years in prison, was released for sexually abusing her daughter.
"It's hard to believe we started with one Myspace page, and today we are Michigan's largest Child Abuse and Resource Center. Sometimes it seems surreal that we have come this far, so fast," said Kshir.
Over the last year, Kshir has worked to organize and secure funding to open a branch of Dreamcatchers for Abused Children in Clinton County which will aid in the ability to get local community outreach programs placed into action to make a difference in the lives of children throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
The question on Kshir's mind is, will the people of Clinton County area feel there is there a need for such an organization in our community?
"Most people don't realize how important child abuse education is. I have seen the effects of child abuse up close and personal," she said. "People tying their kids up with ropes and extension cords, breaking their tiny limbs, burning them with cigarettes and stabbing them with knives, ultimately scarring them for a lifetime. That is only if the kids involved are lucky enough to survive the abuse and torture without losing their lives.
"I'm not judging anyone for not knowing the facts. I, too, was uneducated on the affects of child abuse until six years ago when I met Sandi. But once I was educated, I know the only way to protect your children is to educate yourself."
Statistics show 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be molested by the age of 18. Every 10 seconds a child is abused in the United States and today, five children will die from abuse or neglect. Currently there are 60 million survivors of child sexual abuse, and on the average in one pedophile's lifetime he or she will affect the lives of 117 to 120 children.
"It's funny, people are always so ready to listen, but the very second they hear the word 'abuse,' the red flag goes up and they become offensive. They don't understand it's not a personal attack against them. "It's to help those children in need. Most people think, 'It (abuse) didn't happen to me or my kids so it's not my business,' but abuse is every one's business. These kids are the future leaders of tomorrow."
The Clinton County branch of Dreamcatchers is scheduled reach out to the community starting May 1. Kshir, who will run and oversee Clinton County Dreamcatchers, has many community outreach programs ready to place into action. To help fund such projects she will be selling membership cards, wristbands, T-shirts and eBooks from her bookstore. She will also ask local businesses to sponsor her.
For more information on sponsoring or supporting the Clinton County Branch of Dreamcatchers for Abused Children email Donna directly at: donnakshir12@gmail.com or visit her website at: donnakshir.weebly.com. For more on Dreamcatchers, Visit; dreamcatchersforabusedchildren.com
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