I want to thank all the men and woman, past and present, who have proudly served our country and made it what it is today. God bless each and everyone of you and may God keep you safe.
It has long been a tradition to commemorate Veteran’s Day on November 11, the anniversary of the end of World War I. By celebrating Veteran’s Day, it pays tribute to our ancestors who have un-selfishly fought, struggled and lost their lives to give us the freedom and rights as we American’s have, as well as what makes America stand out as the best country on earth.
On Saturday, when I picked up my copy of the Lock Haven Express and read Mr. Clarence Blessard Jr.’s letter to Mr. Donald Willis of the Keystone Central School District, my heart was deeply saddened.
Mr. Blessard’s letter to Mr. Willis was a result of notification that the invocation and benediction was to be eliminated from the Veteran’s Day program at Bucktail Area Junior/Senior High School. It had been eliminated under the threat of eliminating the program completely, if they were included.
How can you deny any one the right to speak openly and freely about God or anything else they believe in. For those of you who do not know or understand it is called the first amendment; it allows you freedom of speech, press, assembly and religion.
It allows us the right to express ourselves openly and freely without discrimination or judgement. Freedom of religion is considered a fundamental of human rights. How can anyone prohibit freedom of religion, when that is what our country was built on.
Remember the pledge of allegiance... "One nation under God" or how about the Declaration of Independence... "Endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights."
"The first amendment is one of the nations fundamental normative and cultural symbols. It reflects vital attributes of the American character and is the cornerstone of the nations liberty.
"The first amendment is known and cherished by virtually all citizens, who comprehend its essence even if they may not be able to recite its precise phrasing."
I strongly believe we live in a time where we need God the most. Open your eyes and take a look around, look at our country’s current situation. I’m not just speaking of America’s finest serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Look at our country’s crime rate, the prison systems are not full of innocent people.
I think it is a sin we can not pray or express our love of God at a Veteran’s day program, but people who do not believe in God or any other religious belief can express their opinions. Where do you draw the line, by giving in and allowing them their beliefs and sweeping mine under the rug? What you are doing is a breach of my first amendment rights.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of."
As with anything else, if you do not agree with a situation, eliminate yourself from it. For those attending the Veteran’s day program at Bucktail Area High School and who did not wish to take part in the prayer, remove yourself from the situation, but don’t take your beliefs and values and put them on everyone else.
During this time, we have so many men and women all over the world in harms way, we need to get our priorities straight and in order and realize prayer is important in and outside the classroom. How can we properly honor these brave men and women, who fought and are still fighting to preserve our rights, one of the most important being freedom to worship.
If we keep pushing God into the background and out of our lives, the time will come when we will not have the freedom or maybe he will no longer choose to answer our calls.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Pennsylvania Primary:
As the Pennsylvania Primary grows near on Tuesday, Pennsylvania finally steps into the lime-light as voters will finally have their say on who they think should be the next president of the United States.
This election has been anything but pretty. The candidates have been working overtime on finding fault with their opponents. There has been a lot of mud throwing and attacking of one’s character, that the candidates are forgetting about the real issues... the American people, their needs and what is best for our country.
I think as the candidates run for the presidency they make a lot of promises, but once they are elected into office their promises are easily broken and almost immediately forgotten.
There has been so much judgement and talk about race, age, gender and religion, it seems to over ride the real issues, health care, border patrol, rebuilding the economy, education and the high gas prices.
As we elect government officials into office, we have to remember they are no longer like the average American. They no longer have to struggle or pinch pennies. If they feel their pockets are being pressed, they have the opportunity to vote for their own pay-hike . Which really upsets me.
When was the last time, you were allowed to vote to increase your weekly pay? With all the jobs I’ve had over the years, I have never had the privilege to raise my wage and I bet you never did either. Yet, government officials do it all the time.
They forget or they just don’t care, we have men and women struggling to raise families on minimum wage, when a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk or gas, cost one half of what they are making an hour.
How can these men and women afford to feed their families, let alone put clothes on their kids backs, afford healthcare and drive back and forth to work on a daily basis. In my opinion, it’s impossible and we need a president who is going to look after and care for these families.
As former president Bill Clinton reminded Pennsylvania voters on Sunday, it’s all up to Pennsylvanian’s as this election all comes down to their votes.
Many American’s feel we should not have a woman or a black president, but I have to ask why? In my opinion, it all boils down to change.
I personally don’t care about one’s race, age, religion or gender. All I care about is, who is going to be a better leader for our country and steer us in the right direction of helping what matters the most, the American people and their needs.
The last thing this country needs is another four years with a president that’s fighting the wrong agenda and not doing what he was elected to do... help the American people and find an appropriate solution to solve our country’s problems.
The next president’s first agenda needs to bring America’s finest home from Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to concentrate less on foreign affairs and concentrate more on taking care of the American people and their needs.
I’m not suggesting in any way, shape or form we run from terrorism. If someone invades your country, fight terrorism and defend yourself, but we need to stop answering so many 911 calls to help foreign countries.
We have our own problems.
We need to find a way to end poverty, violence and hunger. We have men, women, children and American veteran’s who are homeless. Over half of the United States does not have health coverage.
We need to focus on rebuilding the economy. At some point, the government needs to realize the low and middle class suffer the most and put an end to pointless spending. If they don’t, where will that leave future generations? They will never learn to be independent or become more prosperous. The continuous cycle of debt will never end.
There has to be a way to develop an alternative source of fuel that is both safe and affordable, so the government is not begging oil companies over seas to continue our oil supply.
With the cost of living so high, the price of college tuition is through the roof. Every child deserves a good education, college should be acceptable and affordable to everyone. Your families income should not determine if you go to college or not.
There needs to be a way to solve illegal immigration, and not by giving them drivers licenses.
America stands for land of the free and home of the brave, yet we are a judgmental country. We need allow and understand change, so people can live openly and freely. People need to realize just because you do not agree with something, doesn’t make it wrong.
We have to accept laws that allow freedom of choice so all people can live their lives openly and freely without judgement or persecution. Whether it be choice of gun control, abortion or same sex marriages it is there choice, not yours.
Most importantly, we need a president that will not take their role for granted, not for one single second. One who will understand, their main concern is the American people and they represent and work for them 100% of the time.
When I cast my vote on Tuesday, I will be voting for the candidate I feel has the solution to solve our country’s problems and do their best for the American people.
This election has been anything but pretty. The candidates have been working overtime on finding fault with their opponents. There has been a lot of mud throwing and attacking of one’s character, that the candidates are forgetting about the real issues... the American people, their needs and what is best for our country.
I think as the candidates run for the presidency they make a lot of promises, but once they are elected into office their promises are easily broken and almost immediately forgotten.
There has been so much judgement and talk about race, age, gender and religion, it seems to over ride the real issues, health care, border patrol, rebuilding the economy, education and the high gas prices.
As we elect government officials into office, we have to remember they are no longer like the average American. They no longer have to struggle or pinch pennies. If they feel their pockets are being pressed, they have the opportunity to vote for their own pay-hike . Which really upsets me.
When was the last time, you were allowed to vote to increase your weekly pay? With all the jobs I’ve had over the years, I have never had the privilege to raise my wage and I bet you never did either. Yet, government officials do it all the time.
They forget or they just don’t care, we have men and women struggling to raise families on minimum wage, when a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk or gas, cost one half of what they are making an hour.
How can these men and women afford to feed their families, let alone put clothes on their kids backs, afford healthcare and drive back and forth to work on a daily basis. In my opinion, it’s impossible and we need a president who is going to look after and care for these families.
As former president Bill Clinton reminded Pennsylvania voters on Sunday, it’s all up to Pennsylvanian’s as this election all comes down to their votes.
Many American’s feel we should not have a woman or a black president, but I have to ask why? In my opinion, it all boils down to change.
I personally don’t care about one’s race, age, religion or gender. All I care about is, who is going to be a better leader for our country and steer us in the right direction of helping what matters the most, the American people and their needs.
The last thing this country needs is another four years with a president that’s fighting the wrong agenda and not doing what he was elected to do... help the American people and find an appropriate solution to solve our country’s problems.
The next president’s first agenda needs to bring America’s finest home from Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to concentrate less on foreign affairs and concentrate more on taking care of the American people and their needs.
I’m not suggesting in any way, shape or form we run from terrorism. If someone invades your country, fight terrorism and defend yourself, but we need to stop answering so many 911 calls to help foreign countries.
We have our own problems.
We need to find a way to end poverty, violence and hunger. We have men, women, children and American veteran’s who are homeless. Over half of the United States does not have health coverage.
We need to focus on rebuilding the economy. At some point, the government needs to realize the low and middle class suffer the most and put an end to pointless spending. If they don’t, where will that leave future generations? They will never learn to be independent or become more prosperous. The continuous cycle of debt will never end.
There has to be a way to develop an alternative source of fuel that is both safe and affordable, so the government is not begging oil companies over seas to continue our oil supply.
With the cost of living so high, the price of college tuition is through the roof. Every child deserves a good education, college should be acceptable and affordable to everyone. Your families income should not determine if you go to college or not.
There needs to be a way to solve illegal immigration, and not by giving them drivers licenses.
America stands for land of the free and home of the brave, yet we are a judgmental country. We need allow and understand change, so people can live openly and freely. People need to realize just because you do not agree with something, doesn’t make it wrong.
We have to accept laws that allow freedom of choice so all people can live their lives openly and freely without judgement or persecution. Whether it be choice of gun control, abortion or same sex marriages it is there choice, not yours.
Most importantly, we need a president that will not take their role for granted, not for one single second. One who will understand, their main concern is the American people and they represent and work for them 100% of the time.
When I cast my vote on Tuesday, I will be voting for the candidate I feel has the solution to solve our country’s problems and do their best for the American people.
If I were president:
With the race to the White House at full speed, it made me start thinking what I would do if I were president of the United States of America. I see the president’s position as one of the most influential and powerful public figures in the world.
I think as the candidates run for the presidency they make a lot of promises, but once they are elected into office their promises are easily broken and forgotten.
I see a lot of men and women taking advantage of their positions as they spend tax payers money on their own personal pleasures. After breaking the law, they are allowed to decide when they want to resign from their position, but only after making attempts to get a reduced sentence or plea deal.
If the average Joe was accused of money laundering at his place of employment, he or she would be immediately prosecuted, there would be no and’s, if’s or but’s about it, your butt would be behind bars. Regardless of your position of power, you should be held accountable for your crimes there should be no special privileges.
To make a difference, we need to make a change.
The first thing I would do as president is bring America’s finest home from Iraq and Afghanistan. I think there has been too much blood-shed and too many precious lives lost. For each soldier that loses their life in war, I see it as a loss to our country. To claim victory, we need to save our own and bring our soldiers home.
I thank God everyday for the fine, brave men and women who serve our country and protect our freedoms and rights, but I think we need to concentrate less on foreign affairs and concentrate more on taking care of the American people. I feel if someone invades your country, fight terrorism and defend yourself, but we need to stop helping countries that don’t want to help themselves.
We American’s have enough problems in our own country, that we need to worry about. We have to find a way to end poverty, violence, hunger and the other million problems that we American’s face on a daily basis.
We have men, women, children and American veteran’s who have proudly served our country living on the streets, who are homeless. We have men and women struggling to raise families on minimum wage, when a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk or gas cost one half of what they are making an hour.
Over half of the United States does not have health coverage and can not afford to purchase private coverage. With the cost of living so high, how can they afford to shell out four to five hundred dollars a month for healthcare coverage, it’s impossible.
American’s who work on a daily basis are refused health coverage because they make too much money, but people who break the law and are in jail or in prison receive free dental and medical treatment, at the taxpayers expense.
We need to rebuild our economy, by focusing on the low and middle class. In my opinion, they suffer the most. I would put and end to non-sense and pointless spending. I would create a flat tax so the low and middle class people are not carrying the whole burden. In hopes that future generations can become more independent and prosperous and finally put an end the continous cycle of debt.
I would go back to the Ronald Reagan days of office, and make the competive and greedy oil companies drop the price, so the American people can afford to buy gas and oil. I would require a program that would develop an alternative source of fuel and require vehicles to run by and use a clean, affordable energy source. By creating these programs, it would create jobs for the American people.
I feel every child deserves a good education, it is the foundation of their youth. I would set aside special funding for education. College would be acceptable and affordable to everyone.
As president, I would apologize to other races who have experienced, been hurt or effected by racial tension. I would re-educate the American people, so future generations would never experience what past generations have. If we recognize our differences and mistakes, by carrying a torch of freedom in a colorless society, what a remarkable society we would live in.
I would put an end to illegal immigration. I would build an impassable fence that would make the Great Wall of China look like it was made out of building blocks. I would also increase the number of military personal at our borders and use more military resources at government offices and for airport security.
I would recognize that half of the American people oppose to what the other half think are important and major issues, such as gun control, abortion, same sex marriages and terrorism. Unless we want to segregate this country, we need to have and accept laws that allow freedom of choice so all people can live their lives openly and freely without judgement or persecution.
Most importantly, I would not take my role as president for granted for one single second. I would not forget for one single second that my main concern is the American people and I represent and work for them 100% of the time.
I think as the candidates run for the presidency they make a lot of promises, but once they are elected into office their promises are easily broken and forgotten.
I see a lot of men and women taking advantage of their positions as they spend tax payers money on their own personal pleasures. After breaking the law, they are allowed to decide when they want to resign from their position, but only after making attempts to get a reduced sentence or plea deal.
If the average Joe was accused of money laundering at his place of employment, he or she would be immediately prosecuted, there would be no and’s, if’s or but’s about it, your butt would be behind bars. Regardless of your position of power, you should be held accountable for your crimes there should be no special privileges.
To make a difference, we need to make a change.
The first thing I would do as president is bring America’s finest home from Iraq and Afghanistan. I think there has been too much blood-shed and too many precious lives lost. For each soldier that loses their life in war, I see it as a loss to our country. To claim victory, we need to save our own and bring our soldiers home.
I thank God everyday for the fine, brave men and women who serve our country and protect our freedoms and rights, but I think we need to concentrate less on foreign affairs and concentrate more on taking care of the American people. I feel if someone invades your country, fight terrorism and defend yourself, but we need to stop helping countries that don’t want to help themselves.
We American’s have enough problems in our own country, that we need to worry about. We have to find a way to end poverty, violence, hunger and the other million problems that we American’s face on a daily basis.
We have men, women, children and American veteran’s who have proudly served our country living on the streets, who are homeless. We have men and women struggling to raise families on minimum wage, when a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk or gas cost one half of what they are making an hour.
Over half of the United States does not have health coverage and can not afford to purchase private coverage. With the cost of living so high, how can they afford to shell out four to five hundred dollars a month for healthcare coverage, it’s impossible.
American’s who work on a daily basis are refused health coverage because they make too much money, but people who break the law and are in jail or in prison receive free dental and medical treatment, at the taxpayers expense.
We need to rebuild our economy, by focusing on the low and middle class. In my opinion, they suffer the most. I would put and end to non-sense and pointless spending. I would create a flat tax so the low and middle class people are not carrying the whole burden. In hopes that future generations can become more independent and prosperous and finally put an end the continous cycle of debt.
I would go back to the Ronald Reagan days of office, and make the competive and greedy oil companies drop the price, so the American people can afford to buy gas and oil. I would require a program that would develop an alternative source of fuel and require vehicles to run by and use a clean, affordable energy source. By creating these programs, it would create jobs for the American people.
I feel every child deserves a good education, it is the foundation of their youth. I would set aside special funding for education. College would be acceptable and affordable to everyone.
As president, I would apologize to other races who have experienced, been hurt or effected by racial tension. I would re-educate the American people, so future generations would never experience what past generations have. If we recognize our differences and mistakes, by carrying a torch of freedom in a colorless society, what a remarkable society we would live in.
I would put an end to illegal immigration. I would build an impassable fence that would make the Great Wall of China look like it was made out of building blocks. I would also increase the number of military personal at our borders and use more military resources at government offices and for airport security.
I would recognize that half of the American people oppose to what the other half think are important and major issues, such as gun control, abortion, same sex marriages and terrorism. Unless we want to segregate this country, we need to have and accept laws that allow freedom of choice so all people can live their lives openly and freely without judgement or persecution.
Most importantly, I would not take my role as president for granted for one single second. I would not forget for one single second that my main concern is the American people and I represent and work for them 100% of the time.
Should Teachers Bare Arms:
The debate is on once again, should teachers be able to carry guns to school for protection? Following the recent shooting in a Cleveland Ohio middle school, some teachers are asking to carry concealed weapons to school for protection.
They are afraid of finding themselves in another situation such as the ones that occurred in Lancaster County, Columbine High or Virginia Tech. These teachers, primarily claiming it’s their right according to the second amendment, "the right to keep and bare arms."
Several states have suggested a bill that would allow teachers to carry guns, but taking it one step further is Republican’s David Agema from Grand Rapids, Michigan and Frank Lasee from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Ageme and Lasee suggest introducing a bill as early as next year, that would allow teachers and other school employees to carry concealed weapons on school property. The bill in question, specifies only teachers and other staff members that previously owned firearms and had received extensive weapons training, would be permitted to carry guns.
Each teacher and staff member would also have to be pre-approved by the school principal. Many parents, as well as educators are unhappy with Ageme and Lasee’s proposal, claiming there are reason’s schools are made gun free zones.
In my opinion, this bill is full of potential hazzards. As a parent my question is what if the teacher or staff member misses, is my child the backstop? What about teachers who want to play Dirty Harry? We all have had that one teacher that is quick tempered and thinks he or she is in charge. In the heat of the moment he or she doesn’t think, they react.
Is this someone you or the school district wants or trusts to have a gun in their hands? A teacher’s over-reaction to a student, could lead to more violence in the classroom. In Ohio, news reports stated that the metal detectors were not set up or in any position of being used. Taxpayers pay thousands of dollars each year towards education. These taxes are used between our schools, whether it is to make repairs, buy much needed supplies and books or to provide security equipment.
The intent is to educate each student and prepare them for life, but it also to protect students and more importantly keep them safe. As in Ohio, what good is a metal detector doing to protect faculty and students, if it is not being used and it lays on the floor in the corner at the school.
As I have heard time and time again, it takes too long for each student to walk through the medal detectors. As for security cameras in the schools, they either don’t have them turned on or they don’t properly function. In the event they are used, you can only see a particular part of the hallway, missing out on events that are taking place due to blind spots.
As a parent, it’s all about safety for kids, I don’t consider this bill a good thing. I think we need to take more measures, but by taking the responsibility of adding more trained security officers, taking the extra time and using metal detectors and re-positioning cameras for better angles and views. I feel these suggestions are better than allowing teacher to take the law into their own hands. What do you think about teachers and other staff members carrying concealed weapons?
Again, I had an over-whelming response with this article from parents, students and even with area teachers. To date, there has been no further talk about teachers carrying weapons at our local elementary, middle or high schools. I thank God, because there is no way in this world I would trust or put my child’s life in the hands of a teacher, staff member or cafeteria worker. No disrespect towards any of them, but they are not trained to carry and use weapons, they are trained to be educators.
They are afraid of finding themselves in another situation such as the ones that occurred in Lancaster County, Columbine High or Virginia Tech. These teachers, primarily claiming it’s their right according to the second amendment, "the right to keep and bare arms."
Several states have suggested a bill that would allow teachers to carry guns, but taking it one step further is Republican’s David Agema from Grand Rapids, Michigan and Frank Lasee from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Ageme and Lasee suggest introducing a bill as early as next year, that would allow teachers and other school employees to carry concealed weapons on school property. The bill in question, specifies only teachers and other staff members that previously owned firearms and had received extensive weapons training, would be permitted to carry guns.
Each teacher and staff member would also have to be pre-approved by the school principal. Many parents, as well as educators are unhappy with Ageme and Lasee’s proposal, claiming there are reason’s schools are made gun free zones.
In my opinion, this bill is full of potential hazzards. As a parent my question is what if the teacher or staff member misses, is my child the backstop? What about teachers who want to play Dirty Harry? We all have had that one teacher that is quick tempered and thinks he or she is in charge. In the heat of the moment he or she doesn’t think, they react.
Is this someone you or the school district wants or trusts to have a gun in their hands? A teacher’s over-reaction to a student, could lead to more violence in the classroom. In Ohio, news reports stated that the metal detectors were not set up or in any position of being used. Taxpayers pay thousands of dollars each year towards education. These taxes are used between our schools, whether it is to make repairs, buy much needed supplies and books or to provide security equipment.
The intent is to educate each student and prepare them for life, but it also to protect students and more importantly keep them safe. As in Ohio, what good is a metal detector doing to protect faculty and students, if it is not being used and it lays on the floor in the corner at the school.
As I have heard time and time again, it takes too long for each student to walk through the medal detectors. As for security cameras in the schools, they either don’t have them turned on or they don’t properly function. In the event they are used, you can only see a particular part of the hallway, missing out on events that are taking place due to blind spots.
As a parent, it’s all about safety for kids, I don’t consider this bill a good thing. I think we need to take more measures, but by taking the responsibility of adding more trained security officers, taking the extra time and using metal detectors and re-positioning cameras for better angles and views. I feel these suggestions are better than allowing teacher to take the law into their own hands. What do you think about teachers and other staff members carrying concealed weapons?
Again, I had an over-whelming response with this article from parents, students and even with area teachers. To date, there has been no further talk about teachers carrying weapons at our local elementary, middle or high schools. I thank God, because there is no way in this world I would trust or put my child’s life in the hands of a teacher, staff member or cafeteria worker. No disrespect towards any of them, but they are not trained to carry and use weapons, they are trained to be educators.
Forever a Friend:
Last Wednesday morning after I drove my daughter to school, I returned home. I did my morning chores and sat down in my rocking chair to drink a cup of tea and read my Tuesday evening edition of The Record.
As I skimmed over the front page, I was immediately drawn to fellow Record writer Chris Shaull’s real life story. As I began reading the article, I found myself unable to put it down.
I had a childhood friend who I grew up with, went to school with, and honestly considered family. For a brief period of time after we were both married, we were neighbors, our kids even played together.
After five years of marriage and too many problems to handle, she and her husband were divorced. My friend and her daughters moved away. Afterwards, I didn’t get to see her as often as I would have liked. Sometimes months at a time would go by, but even with distance between us, we somehow always managed to remain close.
She was the kind of person that would do anything for you. She would take from herself to give to someone else in need, she would even give you the shirt off her back. She honestly had a heart of gold.
After she moved to Michigan I had no idea what she had got herself into. I later heard from her friends and family that said she got in with the wrong crowd and picked up a few bad habits. She went from one bad relationship to the next and eventually her girls were taken away and sent to live with family.
I always said we were on the same road, our lives just took us in different directions, but the path to our hearts never changed our friendship or love for each other.
Unlike Chris, she didn’t escape, she lost her life. After she died I kept asking why... why something like this could happen to such a good person. It has taken me a long time to get over her death. For the longest time, I didn’t know how to begin to put the pieces back together after losing someone who has been such a big part of my life.
When someone in your life dies, your life stops. But I learned life for others go on and people keep living. I have always looked at life and death, as everyone has a time to live and everyone has a time to die. I feel it is somehow timed or planned by God, that God doesn’t give you anything in your life you can’t handle. The attitude that everything happens for a reason and to never look back.
Today as I look at my own kids, I can’t begin to imagine what her family went through with her death. Since, I have begun to re-think my theory of life and death. I see things a bit differently and a bit more clearly.
I know firsthand that a tragedy can unite people, test our faith in God and make us stronger to survive an unimaginable loss. The key is to hold on to the power of faith in God, as well as a loving and supportive family.
As I skimmed over the front page, I was immediately drawn to fellow Record writer Chris Shaull’s real life story. As I began reading the article, I found myself unable to put it down.
I had a childhood friend who I grew up with, went to school with, and honestly considered family. For a brief period of time after we were both married, we were neighbors, our kids even played together.
After five years of marriage and too many problems to handle, she and her husband were divorced. My friend and her daughters moved away. Afterwards, I didn’t get to see her as often as I would have liked. Sometimes months at a time would go by, but even with distance between us, we somehow always managed to remain close.
She was the kind of person that would do anything for you. She would take from herself to give to someone else in need, she would even give you the shirt off her back. She honestly had a heart of gold.
After she moved to Michigan I had no idea what she had got herself into. I later heard from her friends and family that said she got in with the wrong crowd and picked up a few bad habits. She went from one bad relationship to the next and eventually her girls were taken away and sent to live with family.
I always said we were on the same road, our lives just took us in different directions, but the path to our hearts never changed our friendship or love for each other.
Unlike Chris, she didn’t escape, she lost her life. After she died I kept asking why... why something like this could happen to such a good person. It has taken me a long time to get over her death. For the longest time, I didn’t know how to begin to put the pieces back together after losing someone who has been such a big part of my life.
When someone in your life dies, your life stops. But I learned life for others go on and people keep living. I have always looked at life and death, as everyone has a time to live and everyone has a time to die. I feel it is somehow timed or planned by God, that God doesn’t give you anything in your life you can’t handle. The attitude that everything happens for a reason and to never look back.
Today as I look at my own kids, I can’t begin to imagine what her family went through with her death. Since, I have begun to re-think my theory of life and death. I see things a bit differently and a bit more clearly.
I know firsthand that a tragedy can unite people, test our faith in God and make us stronger to survive an unimaginable loss. The key is to hold on to the power of faith in God, as well as a loving and supportive family.
Rick Pitino Apologizes:
Success is a choice... Those words came straight from the horse’s mouth. The horse in this case being Louisville coach Rick Pitino. He selected that particular title for his motivational book.
It is quite obvious; Pitino ignored his own good word when the married, father of five had a little tryst with Karen Cunagin Sypher in a Louisville restaurant. Now their little romp in the dark has come to light and his employer, the University of Louisville, is once again in the news for all the wrong reasons.
It has been stated, Pitino is a victim since Karen Cunagin Sypher's allegedly attempted to extort $10 million.
Maybe instead of labeling Pitino, as a victim. Maybe he should be labeled as something else. The former Louisville coach?
Yes! I believe Pitino should resign. Instead of thinking of himself, maybe he should spare his family and the university any further embarrassment and humiliation.
He could also save himself from the embarrassment of being questioned by parents, who will wonder if they really have enough faith and trust in him to care for their young, impressionable sons. This is same man, who according to reports claim handed over $3,000 to Sypher for an abortion or as it has been stated "health insurance."
Some may feel sorry for Pitino and believe his scandal is just another case of a married man feeling strained in his marriage, who is looking for a little comfort and action on the side, but in my opinion, these people are missing the bigger picture.
Although Pitino did not do anything illegal, let's not forget about the other college coaches who have been in the same position and fired for bad behavior that brought shame and embarrassment to their respective universities.
Any representative from a university should have enough respect for themselves, the students, players and the university they represent to maintain some moral values. I feel it is their responsibility. It doesn't really matter if Pitino was truthful and admitted the relationship. What really matters is, he is looked upon as one of Louisville's most influential employees and a face of the university. I strongly believe he had a responsibility to the students, players and the university to conduct himself in a decent and respectful manner.
On a table? In a restaurant? With an assistant coach lurking nearby? Do you call these actions having morals or values? Pitino may not be a professor at the university, but regardless what one thinks he is an educator. Regardless how you look at it, he makes an impression on young men who come to play basketball at Louisville.
How can parents trust him after reading in the newspaper he cheated on his wife and had a sexual relationship with a woman he hardly knew? How can theses same parents not question Pitino's values, morals or plain common sense? How can he teach discipline to his players, when even he can't exhibit self control and discipline himself? As a parent, I would have a lot of questions.
I understand that there have been men far more powerful than Pitino that have had extra martial affairs, from Bill Clinton and Elliot Spitzer to Kobe Bryant. But I strongly believe it is part of your job to set an exsample to others who look up to you, respect you and the position you hold.
The sad part is I don't see Louisville doing a thing to Pitino for his actions. If I were university president Dr. James Ramsey I would enforce the morals clause in Pitino's contract, and terminate him. No questions asked!
Pitino's national championship is all he needs to assure he gets out of this sticky situation. If he was an average coach or a normal university employee, he would have been fired already, but do to his name, title and position, he will not be affected. But what is that teaching others in society? The fact that; because of who you are or what job title you hold, you can avoid prosecution of just about any indecent act or crime.
The fact remains, regardless how many indiscretions one has, how many indecent acts one commits or how low, down and dirty one plays, the one who is in power rules, and morals, respect and decency all get thrown out the window.
It is quite obvious; Pitino ignored his own good word when the married, father of five had a little tryst with Karen Cunagin Sypher in a Louisville restaurant. Now their little romp in the dark has come to light and his employer, the University of Louisville, is once again in the news for all the wrong reasons.
It has been stated, Pitino is a victim since Karen Cunagin Sypher's allegedly attempted to extort $10 million.
Maybe instead of labeling Pitino, as a victim. Maybe he should be labeled as something else. The former Louisville coach?
Yes! I believe Pitino should resign. Instead of thinking of himself, maybe he should spare his family and the university any further embarrassment and humiliation.
He could also save himself from the embarrassment of being questioned by parents, who will wonder if they really have enough faith and trust in him to care for their young, impressionable sons. This is same man, who according to reports claim handed over $3,000 to Sypher for an abortion or as it has been stated "health insurance."
Some may feel sorry for Pitino and believe his scandal is just another case of a married man feeling strained in his marriage, who is looking for a little comfort and action on the side, but in my opinion, these people are missing the bigger picture.
Although Pitino did not do anything illegal, let's not forget about the other college coaches who have been in the same position and fired for bad behavior that brought shame and embarrassment to their respective universities.
Any representative from a university should have enough respect for themselves, the students, players and the university they represent to maintain some moral values. I feel it is their responsibility. It doesn't really matter if Pitino was truthful and admitted the relationship. What really matters is, he is looked upon as one of Louisville's most influential employees and a face of the university. I strongly believe he had a responsibility to the students, players and the university to conduct himself in a decent and respectful manner.
On a table? In a restaurant? With an assistant coach lurking nearby? Do you call these actions having morals or values? Pitino may not be a professor at the university, but regardless what one thinks he is an educator. Regardless how you look at it, he makes an impression on young men who come to play basketball at Louisville.
How can parents trust him after reading in the newspaper he cheated on his wife and had a sexual relationship with a woman he hardly knew? How can theses same parents not question Pitino's values, morals or plain common sense? How can he teach discipline to his players, when even he can't exhibit self control and discipline himself? As a parent, I would have a lot of questions.
I understand that there have been men far more powerful than Pitino that have had extra martial affairs, from Bill Clinton and Elliot Spitzer to Kobe Bryant. But I strongly believe it is part of your job to set an exsample to others who look up to you, respect you and the position you hold.
The sad part is I don't see Louisville doing a thing to Pitino for his actions. If I were university president Dr. James Ramsey I would enforce the morals clause in Pitino's contract, and terminate him. No questions asked!
Pitino's national championship is all he needs to assure he gets out of this sticky situation. If he was an average coach or a normal university employee, he would have been fired already, but do to his name, title and position, he will not be affected. But what is that teaching others in society? The fact that; because of who you are or what job title you hold, you can avoid prosecution of just about any indecent act or crime.
The fact remains, regardless how many indiscretions one has, how many indecent acts one commits or how low, down and dirty one plays, the one who is in power rules, and morals, respect and decency all get thrown out the window.
Perish a Child's Nightmare:
These days, all we have to do is turn on the television and we are instantly invited into people's lives. Whether it is Bret Michaels trying to find his Miss Rock of Love, Flavor Flav trying to find his flavor of the week or a movie on the Lifetime network surfacing around bad marriages, cheating spouses, alcohol and drug addiction or abuse. But what happens when the two hour program is over and you are faced with reality of your own life?
In April, I was introduced to an amazing woman named Sandra Potter. Sandra was different than any other person I have ever met. For a small framed woman, she had this will, drive and determination powerful enough to move mountains.
Sandra and I had several similarities and we immediately connected on many levels. We were both from small towns, mothers whose lives revolved around our children, but with all the similarities I was about to learn a difference between us that would forever change my life. She would open my eyes on many levels, including life after physical and sexual child abuse.
I will never forget the day Sandra confided in me that she took a stand after her own daughter's innocence was stolen. Sandra came from a small country town and her mother and stepfather provided care for her young daughter. She felt comfortable knowing her child would be safe and out of harm's way, being with family members, as she struggled working the night shift to help support her growing family.
One would think, if you can't trust your own family, who can you trust, right? Wrong!
Sandra walked-in and caught her stepfather molesting her young daughter. It was the most horrific and traumatic moment of her life. Their lives were permanently changed by one man's wrongful actions.
Sandra grabbed her daughter, wrapped her in a light blanket and rushed out the door. On the way to the police station Sandra's young daughter looked and asked why she was crying. Sandra responded, Mommy's just sad right now. It was then her baby girl placed her tiny hands on Sandra's face and said, Mom, don't cry, it's okay...we were just playing our secret game. It was then Sandra's heart sank! She wanted to die.
It was then Sandra questioned herself. How could I have not seen the signs? Why didn't she tell me? How did I not know? Sandra's questions were later replaced by guilt and blame.
From that day on, Sandra was no longer one of those parents who thought this type of thing would "never happen to me." Their lives as they knew it had just been permanently changed.
Sandra felt every emotion possible and wanted this man to pay for what he did to her daughter. He confessed to molesting her little girl for three years. He was prosecuted and sentenced to 15 years in jail, but to a mother who's daughter's innocence was stolen, it wasn't enough.
Wanting to make her stepfather pay for what he did, Sandra went out and purchased her very first handgun. Her intention; serving her own justice, but having a conscience she couldn't bring herself to do it. Her child had already been through enough trauma, she couldn't risk the outcome of a trial or a guilty conviction.
One would ask themselves if placed in this position, would a jury of my peers find me guilty? It depends... if any member of that jury would have walked in and witnessed what Sandra had witnessed that day.
Sandra is convinced if she I had known then, what she knows now, she would have seen the signs and she would have known something was wrong. She would have been able to stop the abuse, before it progressed as far as it did. She now knows and understands how hard it is to comprehend how or why anyone would ever want to hurt a child, but the reality is they do.
Did you know... Every 13 seconds a child is physically abused in the United States. One in three girls will be sexually abused before the age of 18. One in six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. A total of 85 percent of teenagers who run away from home flee in an attempt to escape some type of abuse. Every 10 seconds a child is sexually abused or raped. Today, five children alone will die from neglect and child abuse.
This man's actions cost Sandra everything, but she refused to compromise her daughter or remain silent. It was then Sandra knew she needed to help children- those without a voice. Determined to speak out for children without a voice, Sandra took a stand, started her mission and became that voice, creating Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.
Dreamcatchers is a worldwide non-profit organization dedicated to promoting child abuse awareness by educating society on the signs, symptoms, statistics, prevention and steps towards recovery.
Sandra spends twelve to sixteen hours a day online building websites, answering letters and phone calls, all in hopes of educating just one more person. She believes each person who is properly educated on physical and sexual child abuse, there is a great possibility that another child will be saved and will not have to suffer.
Sandra's dedication has earned her the Myspace Impact Award.
I am truly inspired by Sandra's dedication. Now I'm looking at life with my eyes wide open and I am no longer blinded by the unknown. I am now determined. I want to make the world a better, safer place where children can be children and not have to worry about predators or abusers.
The reality is, instead of so much drama and rehearsed scenes on reality television shows, the American people need to wake up and focus on the real reality of the real world and the real issues affecting our country.
In April, I was introduced to an amazing woman named Sandra Potter. Sandra was different than any other person I have ever met. For a small framed woman, she had this will, drive and determination powerful enough to move mountains.
Sandra and I had several similarities and we immediately connected on many levels. We were both from small towns, mothers whose lives revolved around our children, but with all the similarities I was about to learn a difference between us that would forever change my life. She would open my eyes on many levels, including life after physical and sexual child abuse.
I will never forget the day Sandra confided in me that she took a stand after her own daughter's innocence was stolen. Sandra came from a small country town and her mother and stepfather provided care for her young daughter. She felt comfortable knowing her child would be safe and out of harm's way, being with family members, as she struggled working the night shift to help support her growing family.
One would think, if you can't trust your own family, who can you trust, right? Wrong!
Sandra walked-in and caught her stepfather molesting her young daughter. It was the most horrific and traumatic moment of her life. Their lives were permanently changed by one man's wrongful actions.
Sandra grabbed her daughter, wrapped her in a light blanket and rushed out the door. On the way to the police station Sandra's young daughter looked and asked why she was crying. Sandra responded, Mommy's just sad right now. It was then her baby girl placed her tiny hands on Sandra's face and said, Mom, don't cry, it's okay...we were just playing our secret game. It was then Sandra's heart sank! She wanted to die.
It was then Sandra questioned herself. How could I have not seen the signs? Why didn't she tell me? How did I not know? Sandra's questions were later replaced by guilt and blame.
From that day on, Sandra was no longer one of those parents who thought this type of thing would "never happen to me." Their lives as they knew it had just been permanently changed.
Sandra felt every emotion possible and wanted this man to pay for what he did to her daughter. He confessed to molesting her little girl for three years. He was prosecuted and sentenced to 15 years in jail, but to a mother who's daughter's innocence was stolen, it wasn't enough.
Wanting to make her stepfather pay for what he did, Sandra went out and purchased her very first handgun. Her intention; serving her own justice, but having a conscience she couldn't bring herself to do it. Her child had already been through enough trauma, she couldn't risk the outcome of a trial or a guilty conviction.
One would ask themselves if placed in this position, would a jury of my peers find me guilty? It depends... if any member of that jury would have walked in and witnessed what Sandra had witnessed that day.
Sandra is convinced if she I had known then, what she knows now, she would have seen the signs and she would have known something was wrong. She would have been able to stop the abuse, before it progressed as far as it did. She now knows and understands how hard it is to comprehend how or why anyone would ever want to hurt a child, but the reality is they do.
Did you know... Every 13 seconds a child is physically abused in the United States. One in three girls will be sexually abused before the age of 18. One in six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. A total of 85 percent of teenagers who run away from home flee in an attempt to escape some type of abuse. Every 10 seconds a child is sexually abused or raped. Today, five children alone will die from neglect and child abuse.
This man's actions cost Sandra everything, but she refused to compromise her daughter or remain silent. It was then Sandra knew she needed to help children- those without a voice. Determined to speak out for children without a voice, Sandra took a stand, started her mission and became that voice, creating Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.
Dreamcatchers is a worldwide non-profit organization dedicated to promoting child abuse awareness by educating society on the signs, symptoms, statistics, prevention and steps towards recovery.
Sandra spends twelve to sixteen hours a day online building websites, answering letters and phone calls, all in hopes of educating just one more person. She believes each person who is properly educated on physical and sexual child abuse, there is a great possibility that another child will be saved and will not have to suffer.
Sandra's dedication has earned her the Myspace Impact Award.
I am truly inspired by Sandra's dedication. Now I'm looking at life with my eyes wide open and I am no longer blinded by the unknown. I am now determined. I want to make the world a better, safer place where children can be children and not have to worry about predators or abusers.
The reality is, instead of so much drama and rehearsed scenes on reality television shows, the American people need to wake up and focus on the real reality of the real world and the real issues affecting our country.
Relapse Like You Never Expected:
One day he was king of the rap scene, the next day he seemed to vanish almost into thin air. When Eminem left the rap game he was faced with the biggest decision of his life; trading his family for the stage. It was then he decided to fall back from the spotlight and remarry his childhood sweetheart Kim Scott. Both were short lived.
Dealing with drug dependency, the loss of his best friend, the break up of his second marriage, Eminem was literally drowning and adding to his dependency and addictions.
As Eminem launches his big comeback, he's finally opening up for the first time since he left the spotlight and shunned the dark rumors of drug abuse and depression. The saddest part is many of those rumors just happened to be true, but now he's back after surviving the demons of his own personal hell that almost cost him his life.
Yes! I said he's back and he's sober. Marshall Mathers is sober, after spending years of being high. I have to admit, he wears sobriety well. He's lost a lot of weight and his appearance is quite youthful. His face tells a new story.
After a recent appearance on MTV, it was quite apparent he's nervous and filled with fear facing his fans sober for the first time in years, but more importantly his blue eyes sparkle appearing eager and hungry, as the young rapper who emerged in 1999.
He makes his return with an album of dark, aggressive tales full of drug addiction, abuse and his own dark mortality.
"Relapse" is his darkest work, with visions of violence and mental disturbance. The second single, "3 a.m.," finds him struggling and fighting for his life on a drug fueled killing spree.
Meet a drug crazed Eminem, face to face, alone, deep in the forest on a dark night, in a bad spirits presence that echoes overshadowing his mind and overpowering his every thought. He can't think, he stumbles falling to the dirt covered ground. You are trapped in his world, unable to break free from his psychopathic mind for five full minutes of living hell.
Eminem sings, "It's 3 a.m. in the morning, put my key in the door, bodies laying all over the floor and I don't know how they got there, but I guess I must have killed them."
Walk through Popsomp Hills rehab center with a psychopathic, drug addicted serial killer, as he's in search and need of hardcore drugs. You will witness visions of horror, missing body parts, blood splattered walls and the kiss of death.
As your mind races, your heart paces, your palms begin to sweat and your body fills with fear, you have to determine if he is responsible for the murderous blackouts or just nightmarish visions of a blurred drug addict's imagination.
Regardless of the reports, his ailing mother Debbie wants to squash their beef; Eminem shows no mercy in "My Mom." Another Mariah Carey tale is the basics of "Bagpipes From Baghdad." Lyrically and instrumentally "Crack A Bottle" is weak. "Old Times Sake" does not enlighten his abilities as an artist.
Proving himself once again was the track "Beautiful." He invites the listener to walk in his shoes and live the daily pressures and pain that surround his life. I felt he was emptying his soul. I felt this was one song he did for himself, not caring what the rest of the world thinks. The song reveals the spirit of a true lyricist.
"Stay Wide Awake" is a valuable track for multiple reasons: the combination of instrumentals and his choice of powerful words combined make the flow remarkable. "Déjà Vu" is powerful. He goes in depth of a father struggling with addiction, embracing death and failing to see it. During his journey he finds the courage to face and fight his demons that allow him come out of his darken depressed state stronger than ever.
On the album, his aggression and level of violence speaks for itself. He's as numb as the effects of the prescription medications he consistently raps about. He's cold, alone and distant, but using his music as his own personal therapy to complete the healing process.
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Dealing with drug dependency, the loss of his best friend, the break up of his second marriage, Eminem was literally drowning and adding to his dependency and addictions.
As Eminem launches his big comeback, he's finally opening up for the first time since he left the spotlight and shunned the dark rumors of drug abuse and depression. The saddest part is many of those rumors just happened to be true, but now he's back after surviving the demons of his own personal hell that almost cost him his life.
Yes! I said he's back and he's sober. Marshall Mathers is sober, after spending years of being high. I have to admit, he wears sobriety well. He's lost a lot of weight and his appearance is quite youthful. His face tells a new story.
After a recent appearance on MTV, it was quite apparent he's nervous and filled with fear facing his fans sober for the first time in years, but more importantly his blue eyes sparkle appearing eager and hungry, as the young rapper who emerged in 1999.
He makes his return with an album of dark, aggressive tales full of drug addiction, abuse and his own dark mortality.
"Relapse" is his darkest work, with visions of violence and mental disturbance. The second single, "3 a.m.," finds him struggling and fighting for his life on a drug fueled killing spree.
Meet a drug crazed Eminem, face to face, alone, deep in the forest on a dark night, in a bad spirits presence that echoes overshadowing his mind and overpowering his every thought. He can't think, he stumbles falling to the dirt covered ground. You are trapped in his world, unable to break free from his psychopathic mind for five full minutes of living hell.
Eminem sings, "It's 3 a.m. in the morning, put my key in the door, bodies laying all over the floor and I don't know how they got there, but I guess I must have killed them."
Walk through Popsomp Hills rehab center with a psychopathic, drug addicted serial killer, as he's in search and need of hardcore drugs. You will witness visions of horror, missing body parts, blood splattered walls and the kiss of death.
As your mind races, your heart paces, your palms begin to sweat and your body fills with fear, you have to determine if he is responsible for the murderous blackouts or just nightmarish visions of a blurred drug addict's imagination.
Regardless of the reports, his ailing mother Debbie wants to squash their beef; Eminem shows no mercy in "My Mom." Another Mariah Carey tale is the basics of "Bagpipes From Baghdad." Lyrically and instrumentally "Crack A Bottle" is weak. "Old Times Sake" does not enlighten his abilities as an artist.
Proving himself once again was the track "Beautiful." He invites the listener to walk in his shoes and live the daily pressures and pain that surround his life. I felt he was emptying his soul. I felt this was one song he did for himself, not caring what the rest of the world thinks. The song reveals the spirit of a true lyricist.
"Stay Wide Awake" is a valuable track for multiple reasons: the combination of instrumentals and his choice of powerful words combined make the flow remarkable. "Déjà Vu" is powerful. He goes in depth of a father struggling with addiction, embracing death and failing to see it. During his journey he finds the courage to face and fight his demons that allow him come out of his darken depressed state stronger than ever.
On the album, his aggression and level of violence speaks for itself. He's as numb as the effects of the prescription medications he consistently raps about. He's cold, alone and distant, but using his music as his own personal therapy to complete the healing process.
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
King Mathers:
Before the world knew him as Slim Shady or Eminem. Marshall Mathers was a well respected Detroit artist in the underground scene.
With his first try in the rap game Mathers released his first album "Infinite." Although the album was unsuccessful, it revealed the creative skills of a talented MC who represented the 313. In 1999, when Eminem’s "The Slim Shady LP" came out, I heard a lot of people talking about it, but with my busy schedule I didn’t have a chance to hear it myself. Some liked the album and more seemed not to like the album, it was viewed as being too offensive.
Then I had the opportunity to hear the radio’s version of "My Name Is", it seemed to be too gimmicky or bubble gummy for me. After that, I expected Eminem to somewhat fade away and later disappear. Myself like many other people, was so mis- informed and wrongly dismissed Eminem as an artist. Then I bought the album and took the time to listen to it. I soon realized that this man (Eminem)was in fact a pure lyricial genius. It wasn’t until I saw him live that I realized he had the most raw talent I had ever seen and heard, as well as the effect he had on the crowd .
"The Slim Shady LP" is a bit more gritty than "The Marshall Mathers LP", "The Eminem Show" and the hits on "Curtain Call", but to be quite honest it is nothing short of being amazing! Eminem has a way about himself, he transcends rap and is constantly creating a new musical genre. He somehow manages to reach out to the most un-likeliest people. I won’t deny his lyrics are explicit, but over time I come to realize Eminem doesn’t use explicit lyrics to attract fans or to sell albums. He uses the explicit lyrics to express himself. It maybe shocking to some, but he tells us his version of his own reality…his truth.
On arrival, Eminem created controversy with his wicked rhymes. Receiving criticism from the press and media. GLAAD denounced Eminem’s lyrics as homophobic and misogynist, as others protested it promoted violence. Some of Eminem’s biggest controversy surrounded songs like "97 Bonnie and Clyde" it is a well known track about someone killing their wife after catching them cheating. It’s a song that addresses real life issues that many people deal with on a day to day basis.
Guilty Conscience is another track with people encountering real and extreme situations. Eminem and Dr. Dre play the parts as good verses evil. With the daily drama from his mother and ex-wife Kim, Eminem’s life has been anything but easy and he relates to it in "Rock Bottom." His track "Still Don’t Give a F*ck" is the summary to the essence of Eminem.
The greatest thing about Emimen is his denial of being some kind of role model, superman or hero. He falls back on the message found in "Role Model." He is sometimes viewed as a parents’ worst nightmare, but he constantly express’ "don’t do like I do." Eminem is always at his best and on top of his game when he raps about his family. The un-conditional love he has of his daughter Hailie and the love/hate relationship he shares with ex-wife Kim Mathers and the abuse he suffered as a child at the hands of his mother. There is not a doubt in my mind that Eminem’s personal life has basically been the secret to his success, almost like a crucial piece of the puzzle.
In December 2005, Eminem decided to fall back from the main stream and put his focus on his Shady Label performers. In the eyes of the media, this met Eminem was announcing his retirement. Around the same time, Eminem announced that he and ex-wife Kim was once again going to re-marry. Both we’re short lived. Dealing with drug dependency, the loss of his best friend, the break up of his second marriage, was issues that Eminem was literally drowning in. Many thought the rapper would throw in the towel, call it quits and retire.
But once again proving his critics wrong, he teamed up with Akon for "Smack That" followed by the release of "Eminem Presents: The Re-up." Once again proving, Eminem’s back with his crew and stronger than ever. The "The Re-up" was designed to give Eminem fans a chance to become more familiar with Eminem’s new additions to the Shady Crew.
Since the release of the "The Re-up" there has been many mixed opinions, some like the album and more seem not to like the album. Many claiming Eminem isn’t the same, failing many peoples expectations. Many blame it on Eminem’s selection of rappers. Others blame Eminem and his courageous venture into the world of producing.
Each Shady Label performer, from the newest to the oldest members, has their place and plays their role in this valuable team work effort. Proving himself once again was the track "No Apologies." I felt Eminem was emptying his soul. I felt this was one song he did for himself, no one else. Not caring what the rest of the world thinks of him. The song reveals the spirit of a true lyricist. Reports have been surfacing in the press and on the internet that Eminem is currently in the studio working on his fifth album. "King Mathers" is suspected to be the tentative title for an upcoming album.
Shady label-mate Ca$his and 50cent suggests that Eminem is working on a new album, referring to the upcoming albums title as "King Mathers." Stating it would be released sometime in 2007 and have a special appearance from Jay-Z. Whether reports are true or not, one thing remains clear. Eminem is a pure lyrical genius, as everything he touches turns to gold. He does things with beats and spits rhymes as if he was born to. That in my opinion, no one else does, can do or even comes close too.
He uses his real life experiences as a way of communicating his feelings and expressing himself.
Many wonder if Eminem will remain king or if one day someone will take his thrown. I think his reputation as an artist guarantees without a shadow of a doubt that he is a talented artist capable of influencing the music of today as well as tomorrow.
In some ways, people may never ever realize the true effect his music has. There is not a doubt in my mind that Eminem’s personal life has basically been the secret to his success. It is and always will be a crucial piece to the fascinating puzzle of the man behind the mask known as Eminem.
With his first try in the rap game Mathers released his first album "Infinite." Although the album was unsuccessful, it revealed the creative skills of a talented MC who represented the 313. In 1999, when Eminem’s "The Slim Shady LP" came out, I heard a lot of people talking about it, but with my busy schedule I didn’t have a chance to hear it myself. Some liked the album and more seemed not to like the album, it was viewed as being too offensive.
Then I had the opportunity to hear the radio’s version of "My Name Is", it seemed to be too gimmicky or bubble gummy for me. After that, I expected Eminem to somewhat fade away and later disappear. Myself like many other people, was so mis- informed and wrongly dismissed Eminem as an artist. Then I bought the album and took the time to listen to it. I soon realized that this man (Eminem)was in fact a pure lyricial genius. It wasn’t until I saw him live that I realized he had the most raw talent I had ever seen and heard, as well as the effect he had on the crowd .
"The Slim Shady LP" is a bit more gritty than "The Marshall Mathers LP", "The Eminem Show" and the hits on "Curtain Call", but to be quite honest it is nothing short of being amazing! Eminem has a way about himself, he transcends rap and is constantly creating a new musical genre. He somehow manages to reach out to the most un-likeliest people. I won’t deny his lyrics are explicit, but over time I come to realize Eminem doesn’t use explicit lyrics to attract fans or to sell albums. He uses the explicit lyrics to express himself. It maybe shocking to some, but he tells us his version of his own reality…his truth.
On arrival, Eminem created controversy with his wicked rhymes. Receiving criticism from the press and media. GLAAD denounced Eminem’s lyrics as homophobic and misogynist, as others protested it promoted violence. Some of Eminem’s biggest controversy surrounded songs like "97 Bonnie and Clyde" it is a well known track about someone killing their wife after catching them cheating. It’s a song that addresses real life issues that many people deal with on a day to day basis.
Guilty Conscience is another track with people encountering real and extreme situations. Eminem and Dr. Dre play the parts as good verses evil. With the daily drama from his mother and ex-wife Kim, Eminem’s life has been anything but easy and he relates to it in "Rock Bottom." His track "Still Don’t Give a F*ck" is the summary to the essence of Eminem.
The greatest thing about Emimen is his denial of being some kind of role model, superman or hero. He falls back on the message found in "Role Model." He is sometimes viewed as a parents’ worst nightmare, but he constantly express’ "don’t do like I do." Eminem is always at his best and on top of his game when he raps about his family. The un-conditional love he has of his daughter Hailie and the love/hate relationship he shares with ex-wife Kim Mathers and the abuse he suffered as a child at the hands of his mother. There is not a doubt in my mind that Eminem’s personal life has basically been the secret to his success, almost like a crucial piece of the puzzle.
In December 2005, Eminem decided to fall back from the main stream and put his focus on his Shady Label performers. In the eyes of the media, this met Eminem was announcing his retirement. Around the same time, Eminem announced that he and ex-wife Kim was once again going to re-marry. Both we’re short lived. Dealing with drug dependency, the loss of his best friend, the break up of his second marriage, was issues that Eminem was literally drowning in. Many thought the rapper would throw in the towel, call it quits and retire.
But once again proving his critics wrong, he teamed up with Akon for "Smack That" followed by the release of "Eminem Presents: The Re-up." Once again proving, Eminem’s back with his crew and stronger than ever. The "The Re-up" was designed to give Eminem fans a chance to become more familiar with Eminem’s new additions to the Shady Crew.
Since the release of the "The Re-up" there has been many mixed opinions, some like the album and more seem not to like the album. Many claiming Eminem isn’t the same, failing many peoples expectations. Many blame it on Eminem’s selection of rappers. Others blame Eminem and his courageous venture into the world of producing.
Each Shady Label performer, from the newest to the oldest members, has their place and plays their role in this valuable team work effort. Proving himself once again was the track "No Apologies." I felt Eminem was emptying his soul. I felt this was one song he did for himself, no one else. Not caring what the rest of the world thinks of him. The song reveals the spirit of a true lyricist. Reports have been surfacing in the press and on the internet that Eminem is currently in the studio working on his fifth album. "King Mathers" is suspected to be the tentative title for an upcoming album.
Shady label-mate Ca$his and 50cent suggests that Eminem is working on a new album, referring to the upcoming albums title as "King Mathers." Stating it would be released sometime in 2007 and have a special appearance from Jay-Z. Whether reports are true or not, one thing remains clear. Eminem is a pure lyrical genius, as everything he touches turns to gold. He does things with beats and spits rhymes as if he was born to. That in my opinion, no one else does, can do or even comes close too.
He uses his real life experiences as a way of communicating his feelings and expressing himself.
Many wonder if Eminem will remain king or if one day someone will take his thrown. I think his reputation as an artist guarantees without a shadow of a doubt that he is a talented artist capable of influencing the music of today as well as tomorrow.
In some ways, people may never ever realize the true effect his music has. There is not a doubt in my mind that Eminem’s personal life has basically been the secret to his success. It is and always will be a crucial piece to the fascinating puzzle of the man behind the mask known as Eminem.
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