As the Pennsylvania Primary grows near on Tuesday, Pennsylvania finally steps into the lime-light as voters will finally have their say on who they think should be the next president of the United States.
This election has been anything but pretty. The candidates have been working overtime on finding fault with their opponents. There has been a lot of mud throwing and attacking of one’s character, that the candidates are forgetting about the real issues... the American people, their needs and what is best for our country.
I think as the candidates run for the presidency they make a lot of promises, but once they are elected into office their promises are easily broken and almost immediately forgotten.
There has been so much judgement and talk about race, age, gender and religion, it seems to over ride the real issues, health care, border patrol, rebuilding the economy, education and the high gas prices.
As we elect government officials into office, we have to remember they are no longer like the average American. They no longer have to struggle or pinch pennies. If they feel their pockets are being pressed, they have the opportunity to vote for their own pay-hike . Which really upsets me.
When was the last time, you were allowed to vote to increase your weekly pay? With all the jobs I’ve had over the years, I have never had the privilege to raise my wage and I bet you never did either. Yet, government officials do it all the time.
They forget or they just don’t care, we have men and women struggling to raise families on minimum wage, when a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk or gas, cost one half of what they are making an hour.
How can these men and women afford to feed their families, let alone put clothes on their kids backs, afford healthcare and drive back and forth to work on a daily basis. In my opinion, it’s impossible and we need a president who is going to look after and care for these families.
As former president Bill Clinton reminded Pennsylvania voters on Sunday, it’s all up to Pennsylvanian’s as this election all comes down to their votes.
Many American’s feel we should not have a woman or a black president, but I have to ask why? In my opinion, it all boils down to change.
I personally don’t care about one’s race, age, religion or gender. All I care about is, who is going to be a better leader for our country and steer us in the right direction of helping what matters the most, the American people and their needs.
The last thing this country needs is another four years with a president that’s fighting the wrong agenda and not doing what he was elected to do... help the American people and find an appropriate solution to solve our country’s problems.
The next president’s first agenda needs to bring America’s finest home from Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to concentrate less on foreign affairs and concentrate more on taking care of the American people and their needs.
I’m not suggesting in any way, shape or form we run from terrorism. If someone invades your country, fight terrorism and defend yourself, but we need to stop answering so many 911 calls to help foreign countries.
We have our own problems.
We need to find a way to end poverty, violence and hunger. We have men, women, children and American veteran’s who are homeless. Over half of the United States does not have health coverage.
We need to focus on rebuilding the economy. At some point, the government needs to realize the low and middle class suffer the most and put an end to pointless spending. If they don’t, where will that leave future generations? They will never learn to be independent or become more prosperous. The continuous cycle of debt will never end.
There has to be a way to develop an alternative source of fuel that is both safe and affordable, so the government is not begging oil companies over seas to continue our oil supply.
With the cost of living so high, the price of college tuition is through the roof. Every child deserves a good education, college should be acceptable and affordable to everyone. Your families income should not determine if you go to college or not.
There needs to be a way to solve illegal immigration, and not by giving them drivers licenses.
America stands for land of the free and home of the brave, yet we are a judgmental country. We need allow and understand change, so people can live openly and freely. People need to realize just because you do not agree with something, doesn’t make it wrong.
We have to accept laws that allow freedom of choice so all people can live their lives openly and freely without judgement or persecution. Whether it be choice of gun control, abortion or same sex marriages it is there choice, not yours.
Most importantly, we need a president that will not take their role for granted, not for one single second. One who will understand, their main concern is the American people and they represent and work for them 100% of the time.
When I cast my vote on Tuesday, I will be voting for the candidate I feel has the solution to solve our country’s problems and do their best for the American people.